A review by readundancies
No Gods for Drowning by Hailey Piper

Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
For some reason this book was giving off the same kinda of vibes as The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams. 

Now I liked The Ninth Rain for the most part, but it didn’t blow me away by any means, and I feel similarly about No Gods for Drowning

So then why the DNF? 

Because I went into it thinking it would be something other than what it was. 

I thought there would be more buddy cop vibes. 

There wasn’t. 

I thought it would be more focused on the whole cat-and-mouse chase of the detectives trying to hunt for the serial killer. 

There was a lot more focus on the romance instead. Which I wasn’t opposed to but I also didn’t pick this up for the romance, ya know? 

And I dunno, the structure just wasn’t what I was expecting, OR what I was in the mood for. 

I may revisit this in the future when I’m in a different mindset, but for now, wrong time, wrong book. 

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