A review by justlily
Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis


Nothing makes me happier than a cheesy erotic romance novel that is actually a well written piece of work. I hate that some "authors" think you can just throw together some lines about "throbbing members" and girls having instantaneous (and I'm willing to bet scientifically impossible) orgasms, and suddenly it's publishable. That wasn't the case here. This book has incredibly well developed character, genuinely funny dialogue, and an amazing setting. There are puppies and lambs, for gods sake.

I rarely ever like the male main character in these books because for some reason it's become the social norm for them all to be insensitive, misogynistic douchebags because...that's...attractive or something? But Brady won me over pretty damn quick. None of that unnecessary alpha male garbage and when he starts toeing that line, Lilah knocks him down a few pegs.

I have exactly two complaints about this story:

1) If I had to read about how her nipples got hard just from something Brady said one more time, I was going to throw my kindle into the damn fireplace. We get it. Nipples. Voices. She clearly needs better fitting bras. Noted. Thank you.

2) The big heartfelt moment towards the end went a little far outside Brady's character for me. You know it was one of those, time to wrap it all up moments but... I just didn't buy that it would go the way that it did necessarily.

But other than that I really, really enjoyed this book and I'm definitely going to be picking up the next one.