A review by eslismyjam
Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


I really liked this one! The setup: broke woman comes back to a town that hates her and falls for a rich manm was the same idea as the SEP book I read next "Ain't She Sweet." I didn't like "Ain't She Sweet" because it was all about EVERYTHING except the romance. This on the other hand, was just the right mix of information about the town and the other people in it (including past couples from SEP books) and the romance. It probably didn't hurt that I found Gabe and all his tortured pain to be incredibly amazing. And amazingly, Rachel with her little son, didn't bother me. The kid wasn't a plot moppet, which was a great. (I had just finished another book with a complete plot moppet kid and I just don't understand the need for them). Rachel, her kid and the whole plot worked really well and the whole thing was sweet, readable, realistic and of course, had a lovely HEA.