A review by albon
The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne


2017 review:

After probably a year of hyping this book in my head, I finally read it, and it actually lived up to my expectations!

List of everything I loved:

• Kate, our main character. I think a lot of people will feel indifferent towards her because, especially in the beginning, she is kind of introverted, insecure, makes some stupid decisions and doesn't always stand up for herself. But I found her to be a very realistic and endearing character.

• Jenn Marie Thorne's writing. It's her debut novel, and I'm impressed. It wasn't filled with purple prose or anything annoyingly beautiful, but it really made me feel like I was there. I felt the same anger and disappointment and happiness and confusion as Kate did. That's really hard to achieve, and I can't wait to read Thorne's other book to see if she continues like this.

• The family aspect! In the beginning of this book Kate meets her father and his family for the first time, and it isn't always nice. It's complicated and difficult for her and the rest of the family. I thought this was portrayed very realistically, and I loved the bond they formed with each other, and how it sometimes wavered even after they started to feel like a family. [I also like Thorne avoided going the evil stepmother-route with Meg, because that would have been really easy. Meg had every reason to dislike Kate, but she turned out to be such a great friend to Kate. (hide spoiler)]

• The romance! While the romance was an important part of the actual plot, it wasn't as overpowering as romances in YA tends to be. Usually the protagonist falls in love and the family may as well not as exist anymore. But not in this book! Her family was always the most important people to Kate. Andy and Kate only meet a few times, and they mostly talk over the phone. Which brings me to my next point...

• The banter! So much beautiful banter between Andy and Kate. They're both so snarky, but at the same time they understand each other perfectly and would do anything for to help the other.

Jenn Marie Thorne said on twitter that she will maybe write a sequel one day. Well, she better write it because I need it.

January 1, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
January 1, 2015 – Shelved
May 15, 2017 – Started Reading
May 15, 2017 –
page 1  0.25% "«Tuesday, June 10
The Day the News Broke

You know it's gonna be a good book when it starts on your birthday!"
May 18, 2017 –
page 109  27.25%
May 19, 2017 –
page 217  54.25% "I have a feeling everyone in Kate's life will betray her very soon. Andy, Marta, Meg and the senator and their kids, all the people on the campaign. So. That will be fun."
May 20, 2017 –
page 317  79.25% "Remember my list of the people I thought would betray Kate in my last status update? Three of them have now betrayed her. Maybe four. I'm still up in the air about Andy, but I'm leaning towards trusting him. His and Kate's banter is just too good."
May 20, 2017 – Finished Reading