A review by laughlinesandliterature
The Gravity of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry


This is one of those romance novels that just grabs your heart in a vise and doesn’t let go until it’s over. Who am I kidding? I’m still thinking about this book. I loved this book, and I really wasn’t expecting too. Brittainy C. Cherry is one of those romance novels that I always like, so I’m always willing to pick up her next book but the last “romance” novel that made me feel like this was In Between Here and the Horizon which I did a review on earlier this year. I’ve read alot of books between now and then, and this is one that I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to gush about.

Lucille is just a wonderful character, and I know she’s a crazy hippie and is too emotional, but that’s part of her charm. She also knows it, she’s not naive she just doesn’t want to waste her time being negative and unhappy. I can’t fault her for that, at times it’s annoying, but so is her opposite in this book. Graham is too dark and melancholy and I can’t deny that he gets the right to be, but part of this book is how to grow past that. Lucy gets to learn how to not let people take advantage of her, and Graham gets to learn how to let people in.

The secondary characters were also absolutely brilliant, and I loved them all. Mari made me want to hug her, applaud her commitment to her sister, and at the end pull her hair out. She does come around though, and I can understand her actions here. It doesn’t make them right, it just makes my heart break for her. Professor Oliver was also fantastic, and it made me wish for my very own kooky, optimistic old man back. The writing in this book was emotional and gripping. I clearly pictured what each of the characters were going though even Lyric, although I still think she’s a terrible person. 5 out of 5 stars.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2017/06/the-gravity-of-us-by-brittainy-c-cherry.html*