A review by fictionalkate
Dark Desires by Eve Silver


When I started reading this book I found it more amusing than I think the author intended. It was just a bit silly(?) I suppose.
It begins with Darcie getting a job from the handsome and mysterious Dr Damien Cole. He's a bit shady - what with him only taking her on because he owes a favour to the local madam and the fact that when she first meets him he has a dead body in his carriage... but he's so wonderfully kind to her and handsome that Darcie is willing to forgive any strangeness on his part.

Odd things happen. There's a bit of a mystery and after 350 pages there is a perfectly tolerable ending. But maybe this category of gothic romance isn't for me.

Darcie made me laugh with how she perceived Damien.
SpoilerHe's been seen with bloody clothing the same night the previous maid disappeared without a trace. But he's so nice so that's okay. And the fact that he has dead bodies in his carriage, able to procure body parts for dissection at a moments notice? Well... he does look awfully good without a shirt so I'm sure he's a good guy. Oh no! He's been seen at the scene of the crime for all the grissly murders in Whitechapel recently. Hmm... well that is something a bit worrisome. But he's just too divine in bed to think anything bad of him!

I liked that Damien's odd notions regarding science and bizarre theories for the time are now what most people accept as modern medicine. I also thought it was great how much of a modern thinker he was regarding Darcie and her skills as an artist. Yes she's a woman but she's talented. Although... he did feel a little lecherous to me.

The beginning was entertaining but it did start to drag a bit after the first third of the book.