A review by tanyarobinson
A King's Ransom by Sharon Kay Penman


It's been a few years since I had a new Sharon Kay Penman novel to read, and as I began this one it felt so comfortable and familiar. I'm not sure if it's because I established her writing as my ideal historical fiction as a teen, or if her style is just similar to the way I write myself, but I find her books flow so easily for me. And there are so few authors who achieve the level of knowledge about their chosen time periods that Penman does -- I admire that so much!

I enjoyed reading about the last years of Richard I's life more than his time on crusade (her last book). Richard's German captivity has always fascinated me, as the idea of one medieval king keeping another in chains is nearly inconceivable. I was also interested to see how Penman handled Richard's inconsistent relationship with his Spanish bride, Berengeria.

All in all, a very enjoyable nearly 700 pages. 4.5 stars.