A review by togidemi
The Only Study Guide You'll Ever Need: Simple tips, tricks and techniques to help you ace your studies and pass your exams! by Jade Bowler, Jade Bowler


Mayhaps a testament to how much time I've spent around StudyTube/Studyblr/Productivity YouTube that ust about everything in the book I already knew. This is a pretty good starting point for high schoolers! I was just personally a little put off by the peppy writing style - odd considering Jade is just about my age and I still feel a bit talked down to, and I'm not even on the lower end of Gen Z - though that's 100% a me thing since authors getting friendly with the reader just puts me off in general. (Despite my clown tendencies, I apparently work best with clinical academic step-by-steps, with the occasional joke thrown in.) That being said, the better parts of the book were her talking about her personal life and struggles - they came off as genuine and what I came here to see! StudyTubers being real people!

And on that tangent I do like the variety of other students pitching in with their advice at the end of each chapter. Just wished it was more substantial than... ngl, quite trite stuff you can easily hear most anywhere else. Sorry, Jack :( I still love you

This last one is very much a personal gripe and not worth looking into if this weren't my Goodreads that no one else reads anyway lmao. But. Maybe I spend too much time in radical leftist spaces (and/or have grown bitter and disillusioned with standardized education) (pay no heed to my own shit academics due to shit mental health) pfft but I was uncomfortable when Jade would bring up places where the system was clearly failing - grades as markers of obedience and rote memorization, piling onto near impossible workloads despite impeccable time management, debilitating anxiety and stress caused by a fucking number, rankings, school overtaking having a life for yourself - and justify it as some This Builds Character thing. Or, this sucks but you'll be thankful for it eventually. Because, yeah, okay, in many cases academic hardship does hone character. But you can't shrug and "that's life, you'll learn from this experience!" when you also describe students crying themselves to sleep for an extended period because of fucking exams??? Game the system, yes, but you can only do that so long without bdhjshd doing something about a system that is clearly severely flawed. Man.