A review by teeggzz
The Call by Peadar Ó Guilín



Honestly I was really excited to get my hands on this book because I've heard so many good things but I couldn't help being let down.

The characters in this book were very bland. They had no qualities or traits that made them likable and I really did not like Megan. She was too loud, snarky and the language she used was totally unneeded. Conor I was so disgusted by and he didn't even act human. Honestly I found it pathetic that his main motivation to kill Nessa was because she rejected him...that is very extreme and quite frankly pathetic. I though he might've redeemed himself but there's no coming back from that. The romance was also quite weak. If you're gonna write a romance at least make me care about the couple! The author didn't develop it enough and I feel as if the book would've been better off without it.

The plot wasn't the most original but I definitely liked how fleshed out the Grey land and its creatures were. It always gave off a creepy vibe that sometimes made me feel cold all over. But in the end I felt that the first half of the book was very slow and became repetitive, we kinda knew what was gonna happen. And the first 30-50 pages I was beyond confused. It wasn't until the very end that it got exciting and I enjoyed how Nessa really stepped up. But over all the characters didn't really achieve much except for maddening the Sidhe even more and kids are still getting called.

So there must be a sequel. Right?