A review by aribabwa
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath


4.3/5 stars

Usually when i read a book, i tried to put myself on the main character's shoes. But not for this book. For some strange reason, i felt like there's an invisible wall that separated me from the main character, Esther Greenwood. Not because i hate her. It just that the emotions that i am feeling doesn't feel like it was a product of me empathizing with what she went through. It felt distant, like i'm reading her story from a third pov. It felt like i'm her friend, helplessly witnessing her descend into madness.

And the strangest part is, to me, her story wasn't even that hard to relate to. I know what it felt like to be 'not good enough', to constantly be overwhelmed and exhausted because you must always strive for perfection, to be paralyzed by the possibility of your uncertain future, to be trapped inside of a bell jar.

I don't know, maybe its just my brain's way of keeping myself from becoming real-life Esther Greenwood. Or maybe it's Sylvia Plath's amazing talent at writting.