A review by corrie
The Curvy Side of Life by Suzie Carr


The Curvy Side of Life is my third Suzie Carr novel. I think I like reading her in small doses. Her writing does not charm the pants off of me but she does produce solid work. Like this one. It’s a long slow slog to get Faith Miller to the point where she can let go of the past and be her own woman. For most of the book she is stuck in said past and worries way too much about her young daughter (who refuses to talk to people).

Faith really tested my patience as she wavered on every decision that came her way. I could understand where she was coming from and how being cheated on and staying in a loveless marriage for the sake of her daughter had turned her into a woman who didn’t trust the curvy side of life (title and theme of this book). I got all that, but oh man, it was hard work for the people around Faith (and me, the reader) to get her there. I thought Candace aka The Yoga Goddess was extremely patient with ‘stick in the mud’ Faith.

There was a nice cast of extras, all with their own quirks. They all had their little journeys throughout the book. Over all a nice book but it didn’t wow me. There was one intimate scene in the book – the pivotal one where Faith sleeps with a woman for the first time - but it was very flowery (as in they engaged in a soulful dance, moving to the beat of an intimate song meant for them) the other one was fade to black. I am never a big fan of these kinds of sexy times to be honest, but some authors prefer to do it this way.


Themes: one crazy family, you are worth it Faith, let it go, salsa dancing, Faith hears the mermaids singing and her life takes a turn for the better, hair stylist, the scene where Faith has a premature orgasm in the food closet made me laugh, communicate people! … why is that so damn hard in lesfic?

3.8 stars