A review by ctorretta
Scary Dead Things by Rick Gualtieri


immediately started reading this when I finished the first, Bill the Vampire. I could not help myself. So far this series is hilarious funny, but more than that, being a fan of geeks, I totally can connect with this.

I was surprised that Rick Gualtieri wrote this second book the way he did. You can easily pick this book up and have a really good idea of what is happening. If I started with this one I would have a few questions but he explains enough throughout the story that it is not really needed. BUT, you seriously do not want to miss out on all the Bill Geek Vampire goodiness. Every word is worth reading, so if you are starting with this one, stop and go get book one, Bill the Vampire. Trust me, you'll love it!

Okay, now that that is out of the way! I loved this as much, if not more than, the first! I do not know how Rick Gualtieri does it but he set the bar pretty high with the first and maintained that bar throughout! Bill is just as hilarious as in book one. Even more so because now he knows what is going on but man... through the guy a learning curve! Please! Or don't because his slowness is the epitome of my laughter right now.

“The trip was a 20 plus hour nightmare of transfers starting at LaGuardia or as I like to think of it "Satan's Airport" and ending in Beijing. However, I needn't have worried about being stuck in the middle row between two fatties or next to a screaming kid for the entire trip. No because I was luggage. Did I say luggage? No. Luggage would be too kind."

Once again though, Bill's friends may as well be enemies. They cause so many issues for him! Sally is of course always going out of her way to mess up Bill's day. It's like they are in love or something! Always picking on each other and doing things that create issues. It definitely more Sally than Bill but he does reciprocate the pranks every once in a while. The fact that it is so difficult for him to think of a prank is half of the hilarity. He has to go through so much crap that sometimes I do want him to have a comeback but most of the time he's just sputtering about how being a vampire did not do anything for his looks!

Through all of this there is a lot of crap going on that he has to deal with as well. Like being a vampire is not hard enough. Gann (I love her!!) brings quite a bit of those issues straight to his doorstep. It is so hard for me not to like her though. I mean she's a raging vampire of 300 years in a little girl's body. Think back to Interview of the Vampire and Claudia but worse! Gann has been taught by the darkest and the toughest vamps in history.

This is only halfway through the book and there is SO MUCH more to go through! The last 3 1/2 hours are jam packed with more people trying to kill Bill. Again! The fact that Bill really does not see what is right in front of his face, again, just adds to the hilarity. Just when you think that he's starting to learn he does the dumbest thing. He's just such a lovable idiot though! Maybe that's why Sally has not killed him... YET!

Tom and Ed were both up. They were seated on the couch facing the still broken TV.

"Hey guys" I said, "Hope you don't mind but we have guests." I waited for a moment expecting a tirade from Ed since I imagined he was still pretty pissed about the whole Gann thing. But neither of them said a word. I continued "Sorry for the late notice but there's some shit going down. Sally and Gann need to stay here for a few days. Oh yeah, Tom this is Gann." There was still no acknowledgement from either of them. They both sat in the same place quite and unmoving."

This has horror movie written ALL over it!! I won't say what happens next because I'm sure everyone's imagination can clue in on the fact that something is definitely not right. Not Bill though... he just continues talking like his roommates are just upset over a broken TV. To be fair, I would be a tad miffed also, but still Bill! Wake up! It all just gets better and better! Needless to say, I am picking up book three straight away. I am obsessed and absolutely loving everything about this series.

"Kidnapping? What? I..." I didn't get a chance to finish as I was flung face first into the side of one of the large, steel, yeah.. definitely steel, OUCH, ac units that I had been previously using for cover. CRUNCH. Oh well, I thought woozily slumping to the ground. It's not like i was all that pretty to begin with. Time for a good long nap? Yeah, that sounded dandy. Sadly I was again rudely hauled to my feet. "Nap time over already?" I muttered.

Once again Christopher John Fetherolf did a fantastic job of narrating. He IS Bill and it is a fabulous thing!

In short: Recommended to everyone. Love, love, love this and cannot wait to read more about Bill and his "friends".