A review by taegen
K-Pop Confidential by Stephan Lee


The world of K-Pop is I N T E N S E !

I'll admit I went into this with absolutely zero knowledge of K-Pop including its own vocabulary! Because of this, I particularly loved the way Lee wrote his main character; the fact that she's American and needed to learn about her Korean culture, language and all the craziness of being a trainee. Super clever because it meant the reader could learn alongside her and it didn't restrict the audience to only K-Pop fans.

The story was great, the characters were awesome and I'm blown away by the fact that most of this "behind the scenes" look at the life of idol hopefuls is based on actual research and interviews. I mean, it's legitimately crazy what goes on.

Including a K-Pop playlist at the end is a brilliant addition and I immediately googled some to see what it's all about. It's pretty damn cool.

Overall, an easy fun read but I also love the messages in this book and that I learnt so much along the way.