A review by camrobbins
Déjà Dead / Death du Jour by Kathy Reichs


Only read "Deja Death"...but couldn't find it solo in this list. It was good. If you picked this book up because you like the TV show "Bones," be warned that the main character share a name and profession and that's it. The Tempes' personalities and life situations are different and none of the shows characters are in the book.

I think this was a better read than some of the Evanovich and Cornwell that I've picked up lately, however the heroines are very similar. There seems to be a theme of middle-aged women who are aces at what they do but still must fight an uphill battle in male dominated surroundings...oh, and throw in some sexual tension for fun. I'm younger than these characters and seem to inhabit a different world, although, admittitedly, I am not in law inforcement or the sciences. I have trouble connecting with these characters' inner struggles.

The sections that got to the meat of forensic anthropology were interesting, but I wish there had been more.