A review by deanie
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


Actually 3.5 stars

Reading the reviews, a lot of people seem to really hate this book, and I kind of get why. Kyrie, the broke heroine cashes $120,000 in checks from a mysterious source that says "you belong to me." I get cashing the first check or two, but the whole thing? And rich hero Roth is kind of creepy and stalkery at the beginning. Yet something about this book kept me reading. I couldn't put it down.

It's the mystery that got me. Who is Kyrie's mysterious benefactor? Why did he give her money for a year and then "collect" her? Who is he? What does he want? What's his big secret? I had to keep reading until I found out the answer. If she's this good with mysterious secrets, maybe Wilder should write a mystery, or at least a romantic suspense.

I'm not going to spoil the ending, but the end is kind of a letdown, and I'm not reading further in the series because it seems like the HFN ending will be totally ruined in the next books. I think that Alpha is an interesting book, and I'd be willing to read more from this author.