A review by beckyrendon
Loved You Once by Claudia Burgoa


Loved You Once...will always!


This novel is filled with ridiculously gorgeous alpha males intent on getting their own way.

This novel centers around a dreamy doctor and the one he pushed away.

Loved You Once can cause emotional attachments to Baker's Creek, pastries, and The Aldridge men. Beware it is possible you will be swayed to donate to a fictional charity, I know I wanted to.

Also please remember that there are enough Aldridge men to stake a claim. It would not be wise to resort to violence when attempting to claim your man.


Now that you've been warned you have no one but yourself to blame when you pack up your life and can't find the exact location of Baker's Creek. (I say this while unpacking.)

Loved You Once is all the amazing swooniness any of us would love from the one who got away. Still in love with him and what you once had, he rides in to save the day and sweep you off your feet! Check please!

Sexy, sweet, and the start of a very fun endeavor, Loved You Once is just the beginning. I am desperately panting for who we get next! I have my own Aldridge Madness board and I'm placing bets!