A review by allmadhere106
Crashed Out by Tessa Bailey


Wow. My first heat rating 4--nuclear. I wasn't expecting that level, so it threw me off for a bit since I was worrying over which rating it truly belonged in overall. As I hadn't read a 4, I wasn't quite sure what distanced it from a 3. While the overall sexual content wasn't too far past what we see in a level 3, this book just has SO MUCH of it. Seriously, there is an attempt at plot but the majority of the book is just sex sex sex sex sex. All the sex.

I enjoyed the tropes in action and I got to the point where I was really starting to like the characters, but for me the book's biggest downfall is that there isn't enough time spent with either plot or character development. I wanted to learn more about them as a lasting couple past them having lots of sex, and I wanted to really see them as separate people before we saw them together. Knowing that they had the age dynamic and the history, I wanted to see them work into their new roles. Instead, we just jumped right in with him being very forward/aroused and her being overwhelmed/aroused. It was a lot to absorb since I wasn't expecting it.

That being said, since the point of a level 4 is that it is more about the sex and not as much about anything else, then I think this book fit in with that well. There is a little plot and the secondary characters are hinted at but not explained too well. I liked it well enough, I just don't expect to reread it like I would a book where I really got to know the characters. That's probably just not the type of book this is though... Hey, I'm new to the romance genre--I'm learning!

Tropes: m/f; hot rock star male meets coasting woman from his past; acquaintances to lovers; NOT a slow burn--totally not a slow burn; crude language and sexy goodness throughout; he's a younger man; she used to be his babysitter; she's still his sister's best friend; he stays in her guest room--it's like they're roommates!

Heat rating: NUCLEAR—explicit sex, indelicate language during sex, and graphic depictions of a sexual nature used to further the story; may also include light kink; not quite enough for an EXPLICIT level (5), but takes it a level past HOT (3)