A review by bookish_otaku
Dragon Flight by Jessica Day George



Includes: dragons, slow burn romance, strong female lead

I'm trying to score this fairly knowing that it's a bit of a dated middle grade read. I think this was a fairly strong second book, but also do not feel like it had the same amount of magic that the first book possessed. Perhaps this is partially because Creel is feeling jaded by her life as a dressmaker, or perhaps it's that the charm of the detailed descriptions of her dresses have lost their enchanting feature as they start to feel a little repetitive. But that's not necessarily the main bit.

George took the opportunity to further expand the world beyond Feravelian borders as alchemy once again mixes horribly with dragons and war appears inevitable. I have to say I'm a little confused as to how the people of Citatie are racially coded. Apparently the fashion is wearing the hair in braids, but the hair is light enough to be dyed pink and blue. Gosh I just wish there was some diversity, but then of course the royal family is written as "simple" so maybe I don't want there to be diversity, at least not from the Citatian people. It also felt a little weird with Creel wearing braids, but within the context of the book I understand she is doing it to blend in and not in a disrespectful way, so in the context of this world it is okay. I do wonder why George chose braids, but I'll assume the best of intentions.

The plot twists were pretty good (predictable because of popular tropes, but fun all the same, especially for younger readers) but I wish there had been a little more build up in the first book or even earlier in the second so that it didn't feel a little too much like last minute planning. It felt a tiny bit like there was a hat of tropes that she pulled some ideas from and fit them into the story. They worked well, and I will give leeway because it is a middle grade, but it won't stop me from wishing there had been some subtle indication that this had been planned all along.

Creel and Luka do not get as much screen time as in the first book, and honestly, looking back, I think there could definitely be more of them in both books. Their relationship is cute, but I wish we could see a bit more organic growth beyond the "he blushed" and maybe understand some of what's going through his head and his own insecurities. Alas we only know Creel who, after a while, can sometimes feel a bit shrill? Idk, I wish we got to see some real personal arc for her but I'm not sure how she actually changes, I guess that makes this a very plot driven story.

As always, George's writing has really good pace and is beautifully done. It flows so nicely and makes the books that much easier to devour, but I do wish there had been more depth of characters and some sort of indication that the plot twists were fully intentional. Also the diversity, feels like it's really not there. I can't give the excuse that the book is old because diversity should just come naturally, sadly. Would I still recommend this for people to read? Yes, of course, but there are definitely points that could be improved because no piece of work is perfect.