A review by sempiternal_books
How It Feels to Float by Helena Fox


“Life is terrible and beautiful, isn’t it? It’s the best/worst at the exact same time, all possibilities at once.
I guess it’s whatever it is when you observe it..” - Biz, How it Feels to Float, by Helena Fox

How it Feels to Float by Helena Fox is a beautifully written novel, equal parts hopeful and sad. The story follows Biz, who is struggling with mental health issues, including hallucinations, dissociation and more. How It Feels to Float is about floating through your life as you desperately struggle to keep up with everything around you. It is about being taken over by mental illness, seeing it affect every day life, and not even being aware of it.

Biz’s story was an emotional one. Through the poetic language of the writing you could really feel the pain Biz was feeling. (And definitely check in with yourself before reading this and make sure you are in a good head space because things might be triggering.) Her narration is laced with self-deprecating humor and also a vague fogginess as she perceives the world through her depression.

I really loved this book. Everything about it was so beautiful and deeply felt. I always love reading stories about mental health and I think this is one of the most authentic representations I’ve read in a while. Biz’s journey is one that will always stay with me.

Trigger/content warnings for depression, suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, loss of a loved one, grief, and loss.