A review by kelleapoore
Decadent by Shayla Black


I liked Wicked Ties. I thought the characters were interesting, the plot was interesting, and I could make myself go along with how the story unfolded. I even thought Deke was a good character in that book. Decadent, on the other hand, has horrible writing, the plot is ridiculous, and the entire book is borderline comical. Deke is getting on my last freggin nerve, and his "deep dark secret" is just plain asinine. On top of the stupid secret that has tormented his life, his reaction and thinking-process about it are... I can't even come up with a better word than "stupid." It makes you want to just say,"Really, dude? You have to be one of the dumbest people to ever live, if the reason you do the menage thing with your cousin is to prevent what occurred in your past." I can't write much more or it'll give away "the big secret" but... It's just stupid. There are simple ways to avoid what happened to him when he was young.

I simply can't finish this book...