A review by mandalor3960
Eight Million Ways to Die by Lawrence Block


Definitely better than the previous three books. This book explores further into Scudder's addiction and a bit into his morals even more so than any of the previous book. Scudder has thus become more dynamic. The plot around him solving the case is also interesting but the ending falls short of a thriller.

Rating Update 3/13/2019 - 3 to 2 stars. I can't remember having liked this book, hence the 2 star rating.

Update 3 June 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a two star rating is befitting. I cannot remember having liked this book to warrant a three star rating. The original's review detailing that the plot was more interesting is ambiguous. A two star rating seems to be a safe rating for now.

September 3, 2019
Rating Update
I have lowered the rating from two stars to one star. I still do not remember the contents of this book, nor my emotions to it. I have read Seshu's review that detailed how tedious the plot was, sighting that Scudder goes to a hooker, than to an AA meeting, than to the pimp, then repeats these in different combinations, with only the necessary sections in the first five chapters and last three chapters. I already dislike the mystery genre and reading a mystery book with more than three hundred pages is a chore to read and a waste of time. I believe a one star rating is the safe choice for now.

December 29, 2019
Rating Update
One star to two star-rating. I have raised the rating because I believe at this point in reading mystery books, I do not believe I was tired of the genre, seeing that I read mystery books (specifically Matt Scudder books) for a prolonged period of time after this book. I did not mind long buildups and found them to be OK. My previous lowering of the rating was likely because of my current dislike for mystery books.

March 2, 2020
The reasoning behind a yellow and grey outlined rating color is because I believe in the theory that I did not hate mystery books just yet. I believe in it because I have some original feelings for this book that it was OK. I do have a faint recollection that, despite its lengths which bothered me at the time of reading, the book was OK. The memory that is coupled with this recollection is from the book, when Matt goes to visit the pimp in the pimp's old firehouse station renovated home.

April 11, 2020
I have had this undated note in a Microsoft Word document: "EIGHT MILLLION WAYS. I HAVE A SLIGHT REMEMBERANCE THAT IT WAS AN OK BOOK". All the letters were unfortunately capitalized. Here is a note I wrote yesterday: "I recall not disliking it nor liking it. A two star-rating of finding the book “OK” is a good demonstration of this memory".

It also hasn't been mentioned before but on the page update for November 17, 2015, I wrote the following comment: "Good". This supports the idea that the first few chapters I enjoyed. This idea was expressed in the rating update from September 3, 2019, where I stated that the "necessary sections" are in the "first five chapters and last three chapters". These sections could be considered the good, three star-rated sections that draw me in, but the rest are definitely boring, two star-rated sections.

May 6, 2024
I’ve changed the empty and green colored “exact rating” cell in the “Goodreads 5.0.xlsx” spreadsheet to yellow and with the number “2” inside it, to reflect the uncertainty and current choice of rating.

I’ve debated removing a rating since it seems somewhat uncertain, but in previous updates of this review there are emotions that I can recall towards the book, and it sort of gives a direction to the rating, and there’s some logic. However, the uncertainty does bother me. Also, perhaps the book is deserving of a rating of one and a half stars. I’ve left the exact rating at two stars but this also bothers me, though it was based off the previous updates beliefs. Also debatable now is whether to change the yellow with grey outline rating to grey with grey outline. I suppose this book has become a “legacy rated” book.