A review by msjessc
Renovating the Model by Nora Phoenix

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
Neither MC does much for me. MC1 is 48yo and been a model since he was 18. mhm. MC2 is a younger man- a little dom in the bedroom. Not outside at all. MC1 is a self professed slut and yet has no idea he prefers a dominant partner. Even though he says how he prefers dominant men and his twin makes all of his decisions in life. He just comes across as not very intelligent or self aware.
Interestingly, his friends are all trying to convince MC1 he's not stupid because of his dyslexia. Well, not because of his dyslexia no. 
Also a lot of "poor me for being rich and famous".
I will give this author credit, she can write any type of MC and I believe her. Many authors can only write a few character types believably. Not Nora. I may not love these characters, but I absolutely believe in who they are.