A review by elenaspnwlibrary
Binding Rose by Ivy Fox


What do I think about this book…

When I started the “Mafia Wars” series I actually started with Ruining Dahlia first because obviously they’re all standalone‘s. I decided I wanted to read all the other books in order because I truly did love Ruining Dahlia so much. If I had started this series from the beginning with this book I don’t know if I would’ve continued it. I do love a good reverse harem but I did not like the storyline of this book. It felt like a lot of this book was very forced relationship for me and not in a good way. I also did not like the over excessive use of the word “ARGH”. Literally this word appear just like this in so many spots and I was not a fan.

Will I continue to read the rest of the books yes. Was it because I thought the first one was great…absolutely not. Did I also cry the end of the book though… Yes.