A review by jedbird
Punk Avenue: Inside the New York City Underground, 1972-1982 by Phil Marcade, Debbie Harry, Legs McNeil



Mr. Marcade was an entertaining interview subject in PLEASE KILL ME, and I already had this book on my kindle, so I plunged in. The stories from PLEASE KILL ME are repeated here with very little alteration or expansion, which was somewhat disappointing. Mr. Marcade participated in some very bad behavior that is presented as perhaps outrageous or even funny, but I found it horrifying. Like seemingly everyone else in that scene at that time, Mr. Marcade becomes a junkie.

His band, The Senders, are not familiar to me and I don't think they ever really had a national following, but they apparently did well for themselves in the New York region. He seems to have known everyone who did become widely known, and he tells his stories engagingly, so his POV is relevant in that way. Obviously, this is one person's narrative, and it is worth reading, but if a reader is interested in the history of the scene, there are better books with wider scope.