A review by muggsyspaniel
The Shrimp and the Anemone by L.P. Hartley


L. P. Hartley knew how to write children. The Go-Between was filled with wonderful insights into the mind of young Leo, his fears and embarrassments. This book, the first in the Eustace and Hilda trilogy, is more of the same but without the tradgedy of The Go-Between. If you are looking for excitement, drama or thrills then this really isn't for you. It's a slow thoughtful book whose events we see through the eyes of young Eustace. He's a sweetly nervous boy who wants to please everyone, most of all his older sister Hilda. As to plot there really isn't one, just a sequence of, to Eustace, notable events over the course of a few months.
As I said, it's slow and thoughtful its also occasionally beautiful and sometimes a little heartbreaking and Hartley writes children I for one can empathise with. It's no Go-Between but what book is?