A review by the_student_of_story
The Legend of Luke by Brian Jacques


Stakes are one of the most important things in a story. Most stories need that edge that begs the questions: "So what? Why should I care?" This book is one of those weird, unique stories, that despite its significant lack of stakes for the narrative is a good, gripping read. The story almost spoils itself letting you know what's coming, and yet it's never the poorer for it. The characters both the good guys and bad guys, are strong, and the plot is one of a kind in this series. The only thing that really sets this book back is the latter third. It may be short, but it lacks the substance that the first and (especially) the second bring. The plot doesn't really have anywhere to go, and Martin doesn't get as solid a sendoff as the character needed. All that said though, for all its uniqueness and solid execution, this is another good one.