A review by missysreadingcorner
Damian's Discipline by Parker Williams, K.C. Wells


I really wanted to give this book 5 stars but I can't because it seems like the same story has been told in the last four books. Jeff's story was almost identical to Peter's, which makes sense because of Curtis' involvement. However, the damsel (or boy in this case) in distress routine is getting old with this series. I enjoyed the chemistry between Damian and Jeff but their story is so similar to Thomas and Peter's. By the third chapter, I was thinking, "This is almost exactly like Trusting Thomas." The abuse and horror's Jeff faced were very much like Peter's but with the added drug addiction. I honestly didn't want to finish this book but I had already paid for the audiobook and was determined to get my money's worth. After this book, I'm not sure if I want to read the next one. I understand rescuing boys being abused and exploited is a common theme of these books but it's getting old.