A review by thiccandired
Cookies For My Orc Neighbor by Michele Mills


insta love and very little baking…

2.8 / 5.0

Ok, I did not go into this thinking it would be some grand epic tale of romance, societal progression, and character growth. I did expect at least a bit of angst or slow burn or even a bodice ripping situation, but no… this is just nothing. It’s short and quick if you can keep interested past the first chapter.

It has multiple recycling of text, phrases, and “internal thoughts” to the point it feels like the author either believes we are incompetent or she’s just filling space to increase the word count. The prose is very generic and little consideration is given to the world building. There is no history or reason for orcs being around, other than to say in ancient times they behaved differently and then to refer to 200 years ago. If 200 years is “ancient” then holy crap, I am a wizen old crone in my 30s!

The characters are shallow and there is no growth. The smut is one scene and it’s very brief. The romance is not developed at all, it is for real insta-love with nothing to make for development.

There were so many chances too… like his tusks lengthening, that could have been written as because a viable mate was nearby. He could have been searching for her even as she was observing him for the entire time she’d lived next door.

Then the revelation about his past, that could have been spun into because his parents’ mating wasn’t bonded, so he has always wanted a bonded mate and has to earn her though deeds and maybe a ritual exchange of some kind.

And the bit with the pushy best friend and blind date, that could have been so much more confrontational, create friction and maybe help the FL (Grace) grow to see that while she isn’t racist (orcist?), she was complicit through not speaking out against her friends (even though she knew they were problematic) like she is willing to do when dressing-down the old lady that harassed the ML (Alden).

Overall, this was only ever meant to be a short Valentines Day fun read, a monster smash with cookies. But it’s a barely fleshed-out outline of a short story that lacks creativity, depth, or imagination. I was hoping for more and don’t think I will ready any more of this series.

Until Next Time,