A review by voidstar
Some Faraway Place by Lauren Shippen


Of all the Bright Sessions books, I think this one is the strongest, but I've heard from other people that it's difficult to get into without knowing/being a fan the audio drama.

It's not the most impactful YA novel I've ever read concerning a teenage character struggling with grief, but it is a fun adventure into a character whose escapism is pretty extreme (as exaggerated by her superpower).

I own this more for Damien, though. Interspersed through this book are a collection of his letters written to the guy he's in love with, chronicling his time locked up in this institute that's known for crimes against humanity and unethical human experimentation, recovering from a severe traumatic brain injury.

It's sad. It's so sad. This book makes me cry my eyes out.

I highly recommend listening to the audiobook version because the voice actors of these characters from the audio drama do the narration. Charlie Ian, in particular, is an amazing actress and will make you choke up over the way she delivers the emotional impact of Damien's letters.