A review by brokenrecord
Conspiracy by Lindsay Buroker


4.5 stars. This book was (unsurprisingly) great!!! The closest of the series so far to 5 stars (although, as I think I said in my review of the first book, I'd give the entire series 5 stars but no individual book quite reaches 5 stars for me, somehow).

In the 2nd book, I remember being a bit unsure about getting Books's POV because most of the time I just want to read about Amaranthe and Sicarius, but by this book I had gotten used to getting the other characters' POVs and appreciated it. It's a good way to flesh out the other members of the group and get more of their backstory, but they never get quite as much time as Amaranthe's POV, so it balances out well. Akstyr was not a character I cared a huge amount about before this book, but I liked seeing his POV, and how
Spoilereven when he was going to betray Sicarius, he was going to give away fake info. I liked the thing with his mom even though I knew she was going to give him away from the start, but his disappointment in himself for believing her was so sad. I also liked, just like in the last book, Amaranthe and Sicarius basically find out what's going on with him and Amaranthe's reaction is just, "Should we send him to magic school so he won't want to leave?" rather than getting mad about him trying to betray them and run away. I just really love Amaranthe!!! She's not naive, but she believes the best in her men. And that Sicarius was willing to forgive him as long as he helps save Sespian.

I was also more into the main plot of this book, the most since the first book. It was nice to have Sespian back to see what was going on with him since we got his POV in the first book but then barely hear from him in the next 2. It helped me care more about the mission than I did about the ones in the previous 2 books because I knew how much helping Sepsian meant to Sicarius (and to Amaranthe, to a lesser extent). Plus, who doesn't love a good train heist? I really enjoyed Yara being back — one of my main criticisms in the first book was the lack of female team members, and I liked her well enough in the second book, so it was nice to see her join up with the team. Not fully on board for her and Maldynado, but they're fine. The biggest thing I wasn't a fan of in this book was just Sespian's continued crush on Amaranthe because a love triangle involving
Spoilerboth a father and a son going after the same woman
is not my idea of fun, but having read almost the whole series now, I like how everything worked out, so in retrospect I think I would enjoy this book more, not being as worried about the love triangle element.

And of course, the Sicarius/Amaranthe stuff was perfect here. For one thing, after the previous book, it was really nice for Sicarius not to disappear for like half the book.
SpoilerAnd that hug!!!!! The fact that he pulls her aside to a room so he can hug her and kiss her neck and thank her!!!!!! I also loved her explaining to him that when she tells him to be careful, it means she cares, and the second she said that, I knew there was going to be a parallel with him telling her the same thing, but it still got to me when it finally happened. Also the bit where she's complaining a bit about not knowing what he's thinking and speculating what it might be, and finally he's just like, "You smell nice." He's so much more open with his feelings about her in this book (to the extent that he's open about anything), and so it's still hilarious to me when Amaranthe is like, "Sicarius might care about me a little bit," when it's clear that in reality he loves her more than he's ever loved anyone (besides Sespian).

Basically, this series is just consistently fun and entertaining, and I love the dynamic between all the characters so much.