A review by ajith_wordshaker
Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani


Near Death Experience (NDE)! Anita Moorjani got the rare privilege of witnessing/experiencing death. The healing following her Near Death Experience is really miraculous and it perfectly connects some dots which I have about spirituality and god. I’m an ardent follower of spiritual gurus and now I heard the similar thing from a person who is not a spiritual guru. What both the spiritual people and Anita Moorjani presume is almost the same. Everything, the whole universe is within us only. No need to search here and there for happiness, just have a deep dive inside the human mind and we will be able to explore the miracle called life. I believe what Anita witnessed through NDE is nothing but the revelation which guru’s like Buddha, Sadhguru experienced through meditation.