A review by rosreads
The Reader by Traci Chee


It's more like 3.5 stars but since this book cured my reading slump, 4 stars it is!

There are two criterias that make a book interesting for me; the characters and the writing style. Honestly, a subpar plot would be fine for me if the characters had amazing development, but it rarely occured though. Great character development usually comes with great plot.

This book has both.

Traci's writing style is straighforward and efficient, with no excessive description but she still managed to deliver a great worldbuilding. She's also good at making readers curious about what will happen next. I have no idea what the big problem is before the second half of the book. The are stories within story and the timeline isn't specified so you have to read this book as a whole to piece it together. When it finally clicks, it feels like an aha! moment for me lol.

The noticeable character are of course Sefia and her companion (not mentioning name because it's a tiiiiiny bit spoilery). Also Captain Reed!!! Gosh I can't wait to see how his journey will overlap with Sefia's. I think his personality is the kind that makes readers fall for him instantly. His story in this book is a bit jumbled and short for my liking but I hope I'll see him more on the second book.