A review by daisybox
Supernatural Academy: Year Two by Jaymin Eve


This one was a bit too long. Ironically, the time jumps really don't help the story. I don't understand why the author is so stubborn to write one book for a year at the academy when she just wipes out months and months.

How can Maddi and Asher have their mortal shells destroyed and still be them again when they get back to the academy ? Why, when they're in their demigod state, do they still look like their human bodies ? It doesn't make any sense, it's so confusing.

The back and forth between Maddison and Asher was annoying. He ignored her completely, then tells her he's her ally, then ignores her for a month, then decides he doesn't want to fight his link to her ? She goes from mourning to sadness to arousal to angst to arousal again and to happiness... And we have to believe they are 22 years old - I think Asher is older than that...

The trial of the Clovers was boring and it was not relevant to the plot. Why bother include them ?

I'm guessing Rayge will have his own book in an other series because that scene came out of the blue.

Last thing, but I think weird how the author uses "dark" to describe some of the characters skin tone. Larissa is supposed to have "dark skin" but she a blonde ? So how "dark" her skin can be ? Same goes to Ileah, Jesse but she never says they're people of color... Is this the author's fetish ? Is this how Ariana Grande describes herself ?