A review by kirstyreadsblog
Master of Sorrows by Justin Travis Call

content warnings: ableism (including use of the word “cripple” by someone who is disabled), fatphobia

Thank you to Gollancz for gifting me a copy of the novel for this review.

This was definitely an interesting read for me. I love an anti-hero story so when I saw that this was about someone who is a reincarnation of someone considered evil I was into it. Interestingly, this is kind of similar to the Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare; both have a main character who is a reincarnation of someone evil and both have a disability. This is where the similarities stop though.

The world building was both rich and intense; you could really feel like Call had spent a lot of time developing what he had in mind for this world. He even inputs ancient stories of the political fights that happened thousands of years ago which made the people and the society the way it is when we start reading. He knew exactly the type of people who lived in his world.

Continue my review here: https://kirstyreadsblog.wordpress.com/2019/02/19/master-of-sorrows-by-justin-call-blog-tour-review-ad/