A review by flightyrachel
Inland by Téa Obreht


I loved this book. The cover gave me no clue that it was a western, with camels, and I didn't know what to expect. I found I was a bit confused to begin with. People change names, change towns, and you don't know to whom the first narrator, Lurie, is speaking for a while. However, once you get into the rhythm of the writing all becomes clearer. The way that imaginings, longings, hauntings and experiences combine is very cleverly done. As a reader you can choose to see the spiritual elements as exactly that, or as the projected emotions and thoughts of characters still living.

I adored Lurie Mattie, I thought he was such an open and engaging character, and his relationship with his camel Burke was just lovely. I knew nothing abut the US Camel Corps and am so grateful to have found out about it. I was intrigued to find that Hi Jolly was a real person. Nora was more problematic especially as the book progressed.
SpoilerJust get Josie a doctor for goodness sake!
and I didn't always understand her, but I was invested in her and cared about what was happening to her.

I have covid at the moment and was so grateful to read such a transporting book. Great writing, wonderful characters and a cracking ending. Highly recommended.