A review by kittyg
The Wicked + The Divine #16 by Jamie McKelvie, Matthew Wilson, Kieron Gillen


This issue focused on a back story for The Morrigan who is a truly interesting character every time we come across her so I really enjoyed that. The artwork for this one is again by a guest artist, and I didn't adore the style, but it wasn't 'bad' in my opinion (like some of the other guest artists have been). I did think that the story for this one was really interesting and I liked that these last few have been a little more 'contained' as I think that works better for a guest artist to work on.

I am looking forward to the Brandon Graham issue next, and then back to the original team (I hope!!). I still always enjoy the little short story at the back which is illustrated by the original team!

Overall 4*s, more for story than art.