A review by drbobcornwall
The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition by


While the Episcopal Church in the US is struggling, it appears Anglicanism as a larger concept is thriving in America. Thus, the need, apparently, for a slightly edited/updated version of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. The 1662 BCP is the last official prayerbook for the Church of England as Parlament hasn't been able to approve a replacement. Thus, this book that was produced after the Restoration of the monarchy in England continues to reign supreme. Like the 1928 American BCP, this one has a certain aura about it. It's not up-to-date in its language. It sounds holy (with the thees and thous present).

This is called an international edition as it is designed to be used across a larger Anglican community. If that is you, then you will enjoy it.

As a historian of the Church of England, I find it a useful resource to keep on hand.