A review by sapphisms
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma


What a good book! Running off the low that [b:Dare Me|12982393|Dare Me|Megan Abbott|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1342214694s/12982393.jpg|18141649] had left me in after I finished it almost a year ago, I was recommended Imaginary Girls as something from a similar genre. The motif of "Dangerous teenage girls and their boredom" easily make a book for me, since it's not something you see often.
Even less often do you see this trope played out without romantic context.
One of the best parts of this book is how immersed you became in Chloe's perspective. The fact that you genuinely don't know what's going to happen next, up to the last page, is something that I admire. In fact, the biggest spoiler in the book is that
Spoilerthis book is actually part of the paranormal genre
. Led to believe that Ruby's charisma is dangerous but harmless to Chloe, it's an even bigger shock when things
Spoilerstart to fall apart with London and the town
Damn near everything in this book gets a callback from when it's passingly mentioned at the beginning of the book- from the red ribbons to the resemblance between the two
Honestly? If you're looking for something in the similar vein of Abbott's works, but with a little more painful sisterly love, this is the book for you.