A review by binstonbirchill
Collected Stories by Franz Kafka


Kafkaesque. The first time I head the phrase was while watching Breaking Bad but the reference went right over my head. Eventually I heard of Kafka again, this time through classic literature lists, one thing led to another and I delved into Kafka's quintessentially Kafkaesque novel, The Trial. That still left arguably his most famous work, The Metamorphasis. I resisted. I loathe short stories and dread collections of short stories. I also couldn't help myself. Kafka's one of many with the title of 'master of the short story'.

The collection is certainly unique. It makes you wonder. It makes you think. What exactly was he writing about in Metamorphosis and the several dozen other ambiguous stories in this collection? Who knows. One suspects lots of things. There are reoccurring themes in the stories, such as isolation and troubles of the everyday working man but in the end I think he wanted the reader to decide for his/herself what exactly his point was.