A review by brittanymwillows
Rim War: Subversion by Kadin Seton


I was given a free review copy of this book.

Man, I love Kadin's stories. After reading Eye of the Draco: Darkfall a couple of years back, I could not wait to see what she might cook up next, and I was not disappointed! I do have a few gripes, but let's start with the good stuff.

The worldbuilding was excellent. Explanations of medical and technological elements were clean and don't leave you feeling overwhelmed, as is the pit many scifi authors often fall in to. I loved the concept of reverse aging technology, and following these old folks as they transformed into spry younger versions of themselves was certainly a ride (and a cringe-worthy one at that. Let's just say . . . the process is not pretty).

I also fell hard for the cast. All were unique and came from various walks of life (including life of the alien variety). My favorite character, aside from Millie, has got to be Dr. Cennu Andar Uleht—a Valorian doctor aboard the SpaceLion.

You throw an interesting alien into your cast, and you bet your butt I'm gonna be all over them.

Now, on to my gripes.
- Personally, I would've liked a little more description of the various species' physical appearances (for example, facial and body structure. Most were simply described with regard to their hair and skin color). Mind you, I seem to stand out from he crowd that way. Many prefer vague descriptions that allow them to build the character's image themselves.
- Romance felt a smidge out of place, as did cussing. Although the language fit some characters perfectly, it felt forced from others.
- The story felt somewhat disjointed to me. The characters didn't seem to be shooting towards a clear goal, and the book seemed to end before it was ready to.

Gripes aside, I really enjoyed RIM WAR: SUBVERSION, and I will be eagerly awaiting the next installment in this series. I'm excited to see where it goes!