A review by kaylasbookishlife
The Ambassador's Daughter by Pam Jenoff


Espionage, conspiracies, betrayal...this book was so captivating! Turns out it’s the prequel to a series too! I had no idea lol.
Margot Rosenthal arrives in Paris prior to the signing of the Versailles Treaty to mark the end of WWI. Her father, a former Oxford professor, is part of the German delegation and hopes to help secure a promising future for Germany. Margot meets Krysia, a Polish musician, and meets her ‘underground’ friends who seem to be plotting something much bigger under the noses of all the diplomats in the city. .
When the rest of the German delegating arrives, Margot also meets Georg, a naval officer. She agrees to help him translate reports but also finds herself tangled in an espionage mission. Not only is Margot possibly endangering Europe, but she is also in danger of breaking a promise to her fiancé back in Germany. .
I loved the twists and turns in this book! Set in Paris, one of my favourite settings for books, the secrets and alliances come to life and really paint a picture of what a strenuous time this was in history. I really enjoyed the pieces of Margot’s life that we slowly learned and how she felt conflicted about her feelings for Georg (a non-Jew) and her fiancé who is recovering from injuries sustained during the war. Margot is struggling with who to be loyal to, how to live an exciting life before marriage and what her passions are. That ending left me wanting more immediately!