A review by kaylakaotik
Love Spell by Mia Kerick


The world needs more diverse books and Love Spell is here to help! Love Spell addresses an issue that we don't see in books very often (in YA books especially). The main character, Chance, is gender queer or gender fluid (or one of the other several terms, he can't decide). Though not the biggest focus in the book, his confusion about his identity plays a huge role. While issues like these are being talked about more and more in society, it's still rather rare to see them in books and I commend Mia Kerick for writing a YA book that includes gender fluidity.

And finally I ask myself the only acceptance question that should really matter. Will I ever be able to accept that I don’t fit neatly into any gender box I’ve come across?

My biggest issue with the book is with the actual writing itself. While I understand that Chance was a self-proclaimed drama queen, it was just a bit too over the top for me. Everything bordered on unbelievable. It painted him as more of a stereotypical gay character than anything realistic. If everything was dialed back a notch or two (including the silly slang and hashtags), this book was have been a solid five star book.

* This book was received from the author in exchange for an honest review. *