A review by thebooksandpages
S.T.A.G.S by M.A. Bennett


“People experience life through a screen the size of a playing card, instead of living it. And for what? Not everything is a movie, Greer.”
- M. A Bennett, S.T.A.G.S.

I would rate this book 3/5 stars. I would have rated it much higher if it wasn’t for the way this book started out. It was a very rough start for me since I find the characters very flat, mind me, the plot is actually intriguing, but the way this book started out was just plain boring and flat. Yes, you would get curious on what might happen next but to be honest I wasn’t really connected with this book at the beginning. I would have dnf-ed this book, but I continued since I’m curious on what might happen with the plot and I’m glad I did because I really enjoyed it and I slowly got hooked with the story but again, for me the characters feels too flat. The only exception with that is Henry, the way Henry is a mystery from start up until the ending was beautiful. He’s one of the reasons why I continued reading this book since I want to find out what’s going on with him. This book was predictable, and it honestly didn’t reach my expectations. When I read the blurb it got me thinking, “wow this has such a cool storyline.” It does have a nice storyline, but it could be better. But I really love the mystery aspect despite it falling short. All the questions that I’ve got in my mind while reading this was answered in the end and that’s what I loved it didn’t leave me hanging with some unanswered questions. It also has a very straightforward plot. Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable read. Would I read the sequel? Probably. A 3/5 stars for me.