A review by readbydusk
A Killing Fire by Faye Snowden


3.5 rounded up. I loved the authentic setting in Byrd’s Landing, Louisiana. The descriptions of the locations and diverse characters makes the story feel alive. Raven’s friendship with her long-time partner, Billy Ray, is filled with warmth and really needed in this dark book. The flashbacks to Floyd’s scenes are chilling and brutal, but superbly placed to show context to Raven’s behaviour.

As a police procedural though, it could be better. The murder investigation is compromised from the start. Raven is a notorious liar and even a possible suspect but this only comes up towards the end. I wish the book goes deeper into Raven’s mind where her father’s influence is concerned. On a personal note, I'm not a fan of how much the book sides with the police especially with Raven doing whatever she likes behind the badge. But overall, an unique take on crime fiction with some elements of horror.

Thank you to the publisher for a review copy.

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