A review by allivenger
Song of Silver, Flame Like Night by Amélie Wen Zhao


This book hit all the right notes for me. It had a girl with a secret, a mysterious boy tasked with his own secret mission, and an evil empire out to destroy them both. The almost lyrical way this book was written made it feel like I wanted to snuggle in and read it for hours. Which I did on more than one occasion.

Lan just wants to live her life under the radar. But with the Elantian’s harsh rules, it’s hard for a girl like her to do so. Especially with a mysterious mark on her arm that she’s desperate to know the meaning of. The only issue? She’s the only one who can see it. Until she isn’t. Zen is a magical practitioner of arts that have been outlawed by the colonizing Elantian’s, and so, he discovers, is Lan. Together they have to escape being captured so Zen can bring her to his home, where Lan just might find the answers she seeks. But both have deep secrets that threaten everything they hold dear.

To say I loved this book is an understatement. I cannot wait to read this sequel and see where this path leads Lan and Zen. Their story is one of the best ones I’ve read. Dont hesitate to pick this book up! It’s well worth it.