A review by helenh
Death in Transit by Keith Moray


What is interesting, and keeps me coming back to read Keith Moray’s West Uist series, is the look at the everyday lives of Torquil, and Morag, and the rest of the coppers of the smallest police station in the country. Oh, the murders that drive the storyline are well enough -- this particular set involves the stars (you’ll find out the connection to the title) and astrology clashing with astronomy -- but it’s the interaction of the characters that I find so very entertaining. This interaction includes glimpses at the love lives of pretty much everyone in the story, and so readers are carried along as we watch not only dogged police work (perhaps literally as well as figuratively, thanks, Crusoe!) but also people who happen to be policemen and newspaper editors and doctors get on with their lives. Sometimes these glimpses can be exasperating -- Calum Steele, I’m talking to you -- but that only serves to make the fiction seem as real as possible. I do look forward to more books in the series.