A review by tawallah
The Heir to the North by Steven Poore


Well, this duology has gotten off to a great start. Even though I received this from the author, my opinions are not swayed by this. Despite that cover which doesn’t quite work with the narrative, this is a solid well written epic fantasy. It predominantly focuses on Cassia, who travels with her father Norrow and yearns to be a storyteller as well. Actually a better storyteller than he is. Life has not been kind to Norrow and by extension Cassia but things change when they are in Keskor and meet Baum and Meredith. Cassia is naive girl but her inquisitiveness and grit propels on adventures beyond her dreams.

Poore crafts a world that is vivid and detailed. He even takes time to deal with differences in custom, language and culture. That attention to detail was great. This is a slower paced novel and think most readers will be able to predict certain outcomes early. And it should appeal to both persons new to genre or seasoned readers looking for something different. It is a clean novel, minimal romance.

Highly recommend if you enjoy character driven plots. There is a magical system but easy to understand though the rules aren’t explained.