A review by wheems01
Team Seven by Marcus Burke


This book follows a young man, Andre Battel, in his journey from child to teen to young man. Andre's skill on the basketball court may be his only way out of the life of drugs and danger that has been the fate of others before him.

I'll admit, that has to be one of the worst summaries I have ever written, but part of my problem is that I just didn't care for the book and couldn't wait for it to be over.

I want to make this clear, it my not liking the book had more to do with me not caring for the genre than it did for the writing. Burke is a talented author, his voice is authentic and unique. I can admire the quality of the writing and the realism of the novel he created. Unfortunately, that knowledge and skill can't make me enjoy the book.

Like I said, the book is incredibly well written and I can definitely see the teen appeal. It will be an easy sell to many of the teens that come to our library.

I guess I am just not a big fan of the urban fiction genre--very few have held my interest. I can tell you though my kids love it and will no doubt be picking up this book.

Audiobook Review:
I purchased the audiobook from Audible. It was produced by Dreamscape Media, LLC. The audiobook is 8 hours and 48 minutes and is narrated by Arnell Powell, Simone Cook, and James Shippy. All three narrators did an amazing job with this novel and were brilliant with the voices.

While I can admire the quality of the writing and the authentic voice of the novel, I can't make myself like it. Urban fiction just isn't my genre of choice. Still, this book will have readers and fans of urban fiction will love it.

Cautions for Sensitive Readers:
Recommend this book to mature readers.

Language: Yes (prolific, though realistic)
Sex: Yes
Drugs: Yes (both using and selling)
Violence: Yes