A review by rzarate9696
Eartheater by Dolores Reyes


A simple story without frill or excess, Eartheater cuts you a slice of Argentinian street kid life and sprinkles it with a helping of magical soil to go down more enjoyably. Our narrator helps out locals to find their lost loved ones by eating soil from locations associated with them in order to receive visions of where they are, be it rotting in the ground full of maggots or alive somewhere in need of rescue.

I'd call the vibe urban earthly as the book feels more about what it's like to grow up in Argentina as a poor punk kid/school dropout who resorts to such compromises as washing their hair with laundry detergent when the conditioner is too expensive to replace. This is translated from Argentinean into English and the language is quick and jabby, full of colloquial terms and curt descriptions of beer soaked carpets after an evening of partying at home.

The magic happens mundanely, and I mean that in a positive way, as this aspect of her life is treated as a job that isn't very enjoyable but provides a service of closure to the locals that the authorities are unable to (or don't care to).

I really enjoyed this one.