A review by allthebookishthingss_
The Consequence by Giana Darling


I read all three of these books in one day because I literally could not put them down.

Sinclair, My Frenchman. I loved Sinclair since we were first introduced to him and that love grew and expanded during the entire trilogy. His character growth was so beautiful, seeing him go from so closed off to being so open in his love and happiness was perfect. The way he loved Giselle was a once in a life time kind of love. He was not without his flaws but the flaws he did have made him so much more real.

Giselle, My Siren. She will forever be one of my favorite heroines of all time. She changed and evolved SO much in this story. She learned to love herself and be her fullest self. I felt everything she felt during this time, all the angst, hurt, anxiety, frustration, and most of all love. She was so beautiful and loving. My kind of girl.

Their love was earth shattering, heart stopping, once in a life time soul mate kind of love. It was raw and ugly and oh so beautiful.

This trilogy will now forever be one of my all time favorites and i will definitely be rereading.